Apple Automation will notify you when it is finished running

作者:谈仲婷 | 发布日期:2024-09-23 07:33:01

⑴Should ui automation be turned on when Apple starts it?
Should ui automation be turned on when Apple starts it. The specific steps are as follows:
1. First, make sure your device is connected to your Mac computer.
2. On your Mac computer, open "Developer Options". Go to "System Preferences", "Security & Privacy", "Privacy", "Accessibility", then click the lock icon in the lower left corner to unlock it, and add your own developer tools (such as Xcode) to "Authorized" Application List".
3. On your iOS device, open "Settings", "General", "Accessibility", and "Automation". Make sure the "Automation" option is enabled.
4. Make sure that your application is installed on the device and correctly configured in Xcode to start UI automation testing.
⑵Why is Apple 13 not pushing 15.4

As of March 2, 2022, iOS 15.4 is a Beta test version, and the official version will be officially updated in about 1-2 months, so it has not been pushed. .

The biggest highlight of Apple’s developer beta version of iOS 15.4 is that it supports using face ID while wearing a mask, and even supports logging in with different glasses (except sunglasses) to unlock the iPhone.

Shortcut command automatically closes notifications

In pre vious versions, the iPhone would display a notification message before the shortcut command was automatically run. Many people tried their best to turn off notifications. Remove notifications, iOS 15.4 finally has this switch.

In the shortcut command automation setting interface, you can turn off the "NotifyWhenRun" option. The notification reminder will not appear before this automation rule is run.