
作者:豆叔云 | 发布日期:2024-09-23 08:13:23

壹、Can Jiangxi Science and Technology Vocational College upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree

Jiangxi Science and Technology Vocational College can upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree. In accordance with the educational requirements of "the college has characteristics, the majors have characteristics, and the students have specialties", the college has more than 40 branches of mechanical and electrical engineering, information engineering, construction engineering, art, economics and management, nursing, and education. Popular majors in the market.

Among them nursing, pre school education, computer applications, electrical automation technology, Internet of Things application technology, flight attendants, applied electronics, numerical control, mechatronics, construction engineering, automobile inspection and maintenance technology, logistics management, accounting , art design and other majors have strong employment competitiveness.

Other information about Jiangxi Vocational College of Science and Technology.

Jiangxi Science and Technology Vocational College is approved by the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government and registered with the Ministry of Education (national standard code 13419). It is included in the national unified enrollment plan and recruits students nationwide. It has the ability to independently issue nationally recognized junior college degrees and enroll students independently. Qualified modern, multidisciplinary, compre hensive private general higher education institutions.

The college is located in Nanchang, the Hero City, one of the top ten dynamic cities in the world. The campus covers an area of ​​more than 500 acres, with a construction area of ​​more than 300,000 square meters, and a library with a collection of more than 800,000 books. The campus is lined with trees, flowers and plants, and the ecology is pleasant; modern buildings of different styles complement the cultural landscape; teaching, living, sports, and fitness facilities are all complete, making it a good place for studying and cultivating one's nature.

The above content refers to Jiangxi Vocational College of Science and Technology - School Introduction