Difficulty of Harbin Institute of Technology’s Automation Postgraduate Entrance Examination

作者:江孟闵 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 16:49:18

⒈Is the postgraduate entrance examination of Harbin Institute of Technology difficult?

The postgraduate entrance examination of Harbin Institute of Technology is difficult.

It can be seen from the Harbin Institute of Technology's 2022 postgraduate entrance examination retest scores that the retest scores for academic majors are much higher than the national line, especially for power engineering and engineering thermophysics majors, where the admission score exceeds the national line by 50 points. The admission score for engineering studies also exceeded 47 points.

Harbin Institute of Technology was founded in 1920. In 1951, it was identified as one of the two model universities in the country for learning foreign higher education education models. In 1954, it entered the first batch of national key construction projects. Ranked among 6 universities (the only one outside Beijing). Harbin Institute of Technology is the first science and engineering university in New China that offers a five-year undergraduate program and a three-year graduate program. Its graduates are directly awarded the title of engineer. It is known as the cradle of engineers.

This shows that Harbin Institute of Technology is a very excellent postgraduate entrance examination institution. Every year, many people want to enter Harbin Institute of Technology through the postgraduate entrance examination. It can be seen that the postgraduate entrance examination of Harbin Institute of Technology is still relatively difficult. Although the postgraduate entrance examination at Harbin Institute of Technology is difficult and the competition is fierce, there are still opportunities for admission.

Postgraduate entrance examination study methods:

1. What you are passionate about is not learning, but thinking. The biggest difference between people is the difference in thinking. The biggest difference between people is the difference in thinking, and the same is true for the postgraduate entrance examination. Some people think simply, and some think complexly. Only when you are good at thinking can you have a deep understanding and clear judgment on the problem. The postgraduate entrance examination tests candidates' understanding and application of knowledge, which is also reflected here.

2. Review plan and grasp the review rhythm. There are clear time requirements for taking the postgraduate entrance examination, and so does making a plan. Before the final exam comes, you must plan your review time reasonably. While formulating a relatively long-term goal, you must also formulate a short-term learning goal. This goal must be consistent with your reality and is completely achievable through hard work.

3. Squeeze time and focus on efficiency. The most important thing for the postgraduate entrance examination is to make a compre hensive time plan and formulate a more detailed time schedule. Free time should be fully utilized, reasonably arranged, strictly observed, and formed into habits. The plan should arrange your eating, resting, and studying time according to the order of time and content. The studying time is in hours, with a 10-20 minute break in between.

⒉How difficult is the postgraduate entrance examination for Harbin Engineering Automation? Can I enter if I exceed the national line by 20 points?
Don’t listen to them! I just entered the dual-control major in the School of Automation this year, and my score was 324. The admission score for dual-control this year is 318. In pre vious years, it was around 320, which has been relatively stable!< br/>The School of Automation has many majors, including dual control, navigation, pattern recognition, detection, power electronics, power systems, bioelectronics, etc. Generally speaking, dual control scores are the highest, followed by navigation. As long as you can pass the retest line for other majors and you are a boy, there will be no problem!
In addition, the retest line of the Harbin Project this year is 20 points higher than the national line. That is because the national line this year is too low, only 261! In pre vious years, the retest line for the School of Automation was the national line! In short, the exam is not as difficult as you think. The school is of the "good quality and low price" type, so the scores don't need to be too high, and the employment is very good!