What do you do in electrical engineering and automation throughout your life?

作者:蒋季玄 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 11:47:10

⑴What is the best destination for electrical engineering and automation majors?

Where is the best destination for students majoring in electrical engineering and automation? For now. Students who graduate from the electrical automation major still have a certain destination. But this year, in terms of the development trend of our country and the development direction of China's large and medium-sized cities, corresponding planning must be made. We must look to the future. Which industries will be more popular and durable in the next 10 to 20 years? That's the direction you choose.

Personally suggested development direction should be:

First, choose the power supply unit, such as State Grid and China Southern Power Grid Company. You must choose large and medium-sized cities, that is, first- and second-tier cities. You can still go to power supply bureaus, scientific research institutes, maintenance companies and other related units in these areas.

Second, I suggest you try to go to some high-tech companies on the coast. If possible, try to change your major to artificial intelligence, so that you may have more opportunities. AI technology development will definitely be a popular development direction in the future.

Third, we must pay attention to the development of national policies and trends. The construction of several large and medium-sized city circles has been formed. For example, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the new Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are all areas that have seen rapid development in recent years. You must go to these areas to develop, and you will have more opportunities.

At the same time, attention should be paid to population issues. Recently, many cities have begun to recruit people and have opened up their settlement policies. The requirements for some college students to settle down have been lowered a lot, and the threshold is very low. Therefore, you must find a job in a place with a relatively large population, such as Hangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and other big cities. Big cities provide good entry and entrepre neurial opportunities for college students.

The best place for employment in electrical engineering and automation is the power grid. The wages for power grid stabilization are relatively high. The welfare benefits of power grid were quite good a few years ago, but now they are somewhat reduced. Undergraduate students from Huadian Electric basically go to the power supply companies of various local power grids. For those with master's degrees and above, you can go to the Institute of Economic Research, the Electric Power Research Institute, the State Grid Energy Research Institute and other units; in addition, you can also go to research units in the electric power field.

⑵What kind of work will you do in the future with electrical engineering and automation majors, specifically?
After graduating from a bachelor’s degree, you will almost enter the factory. As mentioned above, you will be responsible for the debugging, installation or maintenance of equipment, etc.; you will also do electrical design of products and develop new products; and you will also do technical support, or Sales
If you have connections at home, you can enter the electric power department;
If you take the postgraduate entrance examination, your grade will be greatly improved. After graduation, you can directly enter the electric power system department;
This major is considered popular, and you will not have to worry about finding a job after graduation. When it comes to work, I am also majoring in this major. Come on, brother, learn professional knowledge well